Kuntz Field Research Archaeology



Kuntz Field Research Archaeology provides expert services in all aspects of archaeological survey and mitigation including:

  • Literature searches
  • Field survey
  • Site recording
  • Resource evaluation
  • Report preparation
  • Formal recommendations for determinations of eligibility and nominations to the National Register of Historic Places. 

All of KFRA’s senior staff are qualified under the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards for their respective positions, including Archaeology and Historic Preservation. The principal investigator and senior staff have decades of professional and educational experience in cultural resources management. Patrick Kuntz, the company's founder, has 25 years of archaeological experience, and all senior staff members are fully knowledgeable of environmental compliance regulations, including NEPA and NHPA.

Our staff members have cross-disciplinary training and can provide high-quality service for a wide variety of projects. KFRA maintains all of the facilities, equipment, and technical expertise necessary to conduct any type of cultural resource management study requested by our clients.

© Kuntz Field Research Archaeology